Choosing an Under Counter Ice Maker Machine

If you’re a frequent host, have a wet bar, or simply like to chill a glass of water or mixed drink, having an Under Counter Ice Maker Machine is a convenient addition. They can help you keep a consistent supply of fresh, clear ice on hand for drinks and other food. They can also free up refrigerator freezer space and help avoid the hassle of constantly refilling ice trays. Some models even offer extra features like a built-in water filter to improve the taste and clarity of your ice.

An undercounter ice maker is designed to sit underneath a counter or be built-in flush with the cabinetry, making them an ideal out-of-the-way solution. If you’re thinking of buying one, it’s important to measure the space where you plan to install it to make sure you can fit a model that will produce enough ice for your needs. You should also consider how accessible the refrigeration components will be for servicing, since this varies between makers.

The most common undercounter ice maker styles have a stainless steel door that swings open and looks much like a small refrigerator. Some have a plastic front cover that you can lift to scoop out ice. Others store ice in a removable stainless steel bin or bucket. You can also find pan-style units that sit beneath the counter and have a lower profile.

Another factor to consider when choosing an undercounter ice maker is whether you want it to be Energy Star certified. This designation indicates that the manufacturer’s ice machines are more efficient than others in their class. It’s also important to remember that any ice machine produces and stores a certain amount of energy, because the ice is constantly melting and being renewed.

You can also look for models that are designed to be easy to clean. Some have a self-cleaning cycle, while others can be cleaned with mild soap and water. If you have hard water, consider getting an ice maker that incorporates a built-in water filter to remove contaminants and unpleasant odors.

Lastly, it’s important to note that any new undercounter ice maker will need time to settle and adjust before its full performance is realized. That’s why it’s recommended that you leave them upright and unplugged for two hours after you first open them.

An undercounter ice maker can be installed in your kitchen to eliminate the need for you to fill ice trays, or it can be used in rec rooms, home bars and other entertainment areas. They are also a great option for camping and other outdoor activities, where ice is needed in coolers or to create beverages.